"Deformation into the Present" by Aren Shahnazaryan

January 7, 2024

On 28.10 we opened the exhibition by "Deformation into the Present" by Aren Shahnazaryan, marking the continuation of our solo exhibitions series.

The exhibition "By Deformation into the Present" showcases a collection of new paintings by ArenShahnazaryan. Within the process of painting, the artist explores various states of the images, allowing him to venture down uncharted artistic paths. In his latest works, Shahnazaryan intuitively reconstructs and deforms both the painted objects as well as the thematic essence of each painting until an originally unforeseen or only vaguely hinted motif emerges. These motifs are intricately woven into the ongoing "noises" of existence through the medium of painting.

If you missed the exhibition, feel free to visit the digital version here.

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